jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

about me

Hi everybody welcome, my name is Elmer Gaspar Guerra i´m 19 years old, i´m student and this is my English´s blog where you can see all thing that I make, for example my pictures, my videos, my coments, whatever. i´m from zegache town wich belongs to ocotlan and it´s a beautiful place when people live really peacefully. I live with my family in this place, I have two brothers one older than me and another younger than me my brother who is older than me lives in Oregon (U.S.A) and my brother who´s younger than me doesn´t study, because he doesn´t like the school, so he told my father” dady I don’t want to study can you look for a work to me? Because I want to work”, so my father asked to his friend it´s an engeneer and now my brother is working in a light company, and he is really happy in that place. Well one of my brother lives in U.S.A and the other lives outside our home I´m like the baby for my parents. My mother is from Juchitan in the istmo so we have many family in the istmo when I go to the istmo I really enjoy these days , because I like so much the weather , and the vegetation aside I love to go to the ranch and see the animals specially when people milking the cows and make cheese and eat with “totopos” mm it´s really delicious a fresh chees with “totopo”. My father´s family lives in the Valle so we lived together more with my dad's family than my mother´s family. In my life there's something funny, because when I was child I learned my mom´s zapotec and also my father´s zapotec so I learned both zapotecs together. And I think for this razon I chose languages for me, because I like so much the languages, the different sounds, structures, whatever I lose in the world of the languages. I have many hobies for example play volleyball, board games like one, global tourist, lottery etc. I have training five days of the week and when I go to the urse´s gym I enjoy the training and the game with my friends, and at the end we finish the training really tired so when I arrive to my house I take a shower and I have a diner and go to my bed. But I enjoy playing board games with my others friends. I´m a funny person, I like talking to people who live in villages because I like listening the true histories about different villages. I like learning languages and I hope learn so much in this English course and get great grades and show it to my mom and dad for me to consent, well I have two pets my first pet her name is “tita” it´s a dog and she has a soon his name is “fito” I had a “cuya” but it´s dead her name was “sinthia” and I cried when she was dead because she was a present to me and I loved so much her and now i´m a little sad but I want to buy a new pet hehe tha´t all >>>>>>> ELMER<<<<<<<<

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